Located in North central Pennsylvania; a commuter campus. 自1935年以来, 成千上万的学生在安静的小镇环境中体验了一所研究型大学的好处.
A brief history of Penn State 杜波依斯
In 1935, 365英国上市的杜波依斯中心是在老休伯特街小学大楼的四个房间里开始的. 教员由一名兼职教员和四名全职教员组成. There were only 42 students for the first semester, and the library consisted of only 437 volumes, most of them borrowed from the faculty.
As enrollment figures grew to 101 students in 1937-38, 由于学校董事会和已故的约翰·E·肯尼迪的继承人的慷慨解囊,一个令人鼓舞的发展得以实现. 杜波依斯,老., 是谁把杜波依斯大厦和四英亩土地赠给了这个新兴的机构.
1938年2月,当该中心被转移到杜波依斯大厦时,工程进步管理局正在对该物业进行大规模的维修和改善. With these greatly enlarged facilities, the center increased its admissions to 150 students, a number which was then considered the capacity of the school.
第二次世界大战在欧洲爆发,给365英国上市本科中心的服务带来了新的问题和新的要求, 1942年,学校开设了一个“速成课程”,增加了一个夏季学期. 还以成人夜校的形式制定了教育防御训练计划.
杜波依斯教育基金会成立于1945年5月,是一群来自三县地区的有公民意识的公民为了保持中心的运作而联合起来的非营利公司. With Patrick Joseph Swift as president, 基金会意识到需要扩大“中心”的设施.他说:“一九四六年,科学楼增建了一个翼楼,获成功拨款, 以及1948年建立的学生活动场地, mostly by staff labor.
When the 杜波依斯 Undergraduate Center reopened in 1946, 由于战时教育事业的推迟和《365英国上市》®的好处,申请人数飙升至爆炸性的比例. 在1947-48学年,有390名学生被录取,其中282人是退伍军人.
Celebrating its 100th anniversary in 1955, Penn State officially became The Pennsylvania State University. 1959年,它的扩展中心被指定为“联邦校园”,旧的“DUC”被称为杜波依斯校园, honoring the family that donated this estate.
也, in 1955, at the suggestion of the 杜波依斯 Educational Foundation, a two-year associate degree program was instituted at the 杜波依斯 campus, 使该地区的许多学生进入工程专业领域.
杜波依斯教育基金会在1962年的筹款活动和斯威夫特纪念大楼的建造,为三县地区的居民在他们的青年时代的兴趣和自豪感提供了积极的证明, 也展示了他们对克利尔菲尔德的信心和希望, 麋鹿, and Jefferson counties. 该建筑于1964年完工,并在筹集了500多美元的资金推动下成为可能,000 from business and residents from that three-county area. The Advising Center, the Center for Undergraduate Excellence (CUE), SAFARI, and 信息 Technology are located here, along with laboratories, 教室, and faculty offices.
The Multi-Purpose Building, which opened in 1967, 是校园里所有体育活动的中心,是由国家总局和体育馆共同资助的, fitness room, and locker rooms, there are faculty offices, 教室, and a physical therapist assistance laboratory.
The Donald S. Hiller Building, named after the Campus Executive Officer from 1951 to 1978, was available for student use in 1975. 图书馆, 书店, 礼堂, 除了健康中心,学生事务办公室也设在希勒大楼, Student Government Association, and the Lion's Den Café.
1980年是365英国上市成立125周年. 联邦校园和继续教育管理局的合并发生在1982年. 1985年是杜波依斯校区成立50周年,它是英联邦教育系统中不断增长的一部分,也是为周边社区服务的重要合作伙伴.
In 1989, 杜波依斯教育基金会成功地结束了365英国上市杜波依斯校园运动的杜波依斯部分, 成功地筹集了200万美元的私人资金,用于在杜波依斯大厦的旧址上建造一座新的学术大楼. The Mary Smeal Building is named in honor of Frank Smeal, who along with his wife Mary Jean, provided a lead gift for the campaign. The Smeal Building houses 教室, art and music studios, faculty offices, a study lounge, and two technology-based learning studios.
Three houses adjacent to the campus were purchased, 其中两间已被改造为职业治疗实验室和办公空间.
Another addition to the campus is Symmco House, a 杜波依斯 family property, that was acquired in 1998 by the campus. 在Symmco基金会和其他人的慷慨捐赠下,它被重新装修为行政办公室. 它包括校长办公室、人力资源和商务办公室.
劳动力发展和技术中心大楼于2004年秋季开放,为工程和信息科学与技术(IST)学位课程提供了一个家, 发展, 校友 Relations, 市场营销, and Continuing and Community Education. The main floor houses a one-stop shop for students including Advising, 招生 (Adult, Veteran and International Students), Student Accounts, Financial Aid (Work-Study), Career 发展 and 注册商. Meeting and conference spaces are available for public use. The building was officially turned over to Penn State 杜波依斯 in 2018. 这是杜波依斯教育基金会(DEF)慷慨捐赠的结果。.
费尔曼住宅于2008年购买,并于2012年完成翻新. 它为校园荣誉课程提供了空间,并向可以使用该空间学习的荣誉学生开放, work jointly on projects, host seminars or guest speakers. 私人捐助者的慷慨捐助使这所房子的购买和整修成为可能, such as those at the Fairman Family Foundation.
今天, Penn State 杜波依斯 offers nine associate degrees, seven complete baccalaureate programs, 以及大约160个学士学位的前两年,这些学位可以在大学公园完成, elsewhere in the Penn State system, or at other colleges and universities. 校园有着光明的未来,因为它继续为大杜波依斯地区和它所服务的多县地区提供离家近的优质教育.
"GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government website at www.好处.va.gov / gibill."